127051, Russia, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 29, bldg. 2 +7 (495) 409-42-54 info@sorb-eng.ru
Ru En Es


Sorb Engineering LLC is an active participant of conferences and working groups, connected with ITS, and the general director Videnev Alexander is the vice president of the “Digital transport age” association, a participant and member of the ISO Standardization Committee.

Work in international standardization subgroups is to harmonize international standards from members of the ITS market, make corrections and suggestions together with colleagues. This allows to receive information about the standards used in the world and the standards that will be accepted, and about the functions that will be added to the subsystems. Work in this direction is aimed at obtaining information from western partners, which is very useful for the market.

As part of the Association the company works on internal Russian standardization, which is very important for the ITS development. In the competence center are held work meetings, which promote deepening of cooperation between equipment suppliers, and roundtables, aimed at improvement of mutual understanding of all market players and standardization institutions.  

All this allows the company to deal with integration problems and is aimed at accelerated development of Russian regulatory and technical base in the field of ITS harmonized with international standards and at correction or minimizing existing faults in the field of ITS.
